What is the purpose of this research study?
Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research are conducting a survey study of individuals who have struggled with a behavioral addiction (i.e., gambling, video gaming, internet and social media use, pornography and other sexual behaviors, and shopping, spending or buying behaviors) in the past and taken a psychedelic substance after they realized this behavior was a problem.
What does participation entail?
As you may know, our Johns Hopkins research team has conducted a series of survey and laboratory studies investigating various aspects of psychedelic use and this new survey is an important extension of our published and ongoing research. If you are interested in participating or would like to know more about the study, please continue on to the secure study site. We anticipate that it will take you approximately 30-40 minutes to complete the survey. Your participation is anonymous.
Following the completion of the survey, you will be provided with the opportunity to be contacted for a 30-60 minute semi-structured interview (online via Zoom) where you can provide additional details on the impact of your psychedelic experience on behavioral addictions.
You are invited to participate if you fulfill all of the criteria listed below:
You are at least 18 years old
You are able to read and write in English fluently
Self identify as having had a problem with a behavioral addiction such as: gambling, video gaming, internet/social media use, pornography/sexual behaviors, and shopping, spending or buying behaviors.
Have taken a psychedelic drug outside of an official university or hospital study following the onset of problems with any of the aforementioned categories of behaviors.
Principal investigator: Albert Garcia-Romeu, Ph.D.
Protocol IRB00452795